A to Z • Italy's
Top 100 companies
by sales turnover
Did you know?
of the world's production of make-up is made by Italian OEM / ODM manufacturers for international brands
is the number of Italian companies classified as manufacturers of cosmetics / toiletries / fragrances / food supplements / household products
€11.5 b
is the cumulative sales turnover of all Italian cosmetic manufacturers in 2017
€81.7 m
is the average sales turnover of the TOP 100 manufactures in 2017
List of manufacturers of Beauty, Health and Personal care products
Companies sales turnover data is based on the companies' financial statement which is public and available online [link].
Companies sales turnover data might include sales related to non-cosmetic product categories.
Shall your company require amendments of the following data, please contact info@theitalianshowroom.com.
Company sales turnover refers to year 2017; For "*" companies sales turnover refers to year 2016.